STEAM Projects at Laureate College

STEAM Projects are activities based on one or more of the STEAM subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Mathematics. The goal of incorporating STEAM projects into learning at Laureate College is to promote critical thinking and collaborative skills in our students. Each term, all student houses compete with each other in order to see which house can achieve the greatest results on their project.
Term 2: Icebox Project
Assignment Goals: The purpose of this assignment was to build a contraption that can keep something cold. The goal of the assignment was to keep ice cubes from melting for as long as possible. Whichever house could make the contraption that keeps the ice solid for the longest won.
Assignment Instructions: Each team had a $30 budget, and were permitted to use any materials at their disposal. Once building was complete, each team was required to write a report on their design process and research done on insulation.
Term 1: Pinewood Derby Physics Project
Assignment Goals: The goal of this assignment was for students to build two Pinewood Derby cars in their house teams. This assignment helped students to learn to design and build their own car while establishing teamwork in their house groups. Students also used the velocity equation (Velocity = Distance/Time) to calculate the speed of their derby cars.
Assignment Instructions: Students were given an official Pinewood Derby kit to build their car, and were supplied with supplies to customize their vehicle in an artistic way. Once complete with their build, students timed their cars run down the hill in the back of the school to test the velocity of their car. There were two winners of the derby; whoever built the fastest car and whoever designed the most aesthetically pleasing vehicle voted on by the teachers. Each team was required to submit a report on their plans and final race time/speed.