FAQ about Online Learning
Laureate provides full-time online programs (OSSD & EAP), part-time online credit courses, and the IELTS Preparation Program at Laureate. You’ll be registered as a full-time Laureate student if you are enrolled in our full-time online program. If you registered as a part-time student and are currently enrolled in the OSSD program, upon successful completion of the credit course, you will receive a final report card issued by Laureate College to add to your total achieved credits. Other part-time online credit course students will be registered as Laureate part-time students and have their OSR and OEN established with Laureate College
Taking a full-time online program is just like taking a full-time classroom program. You’ll be registered full-time and assigned the Ontario Student Number (OEN) and Ontario Student Record (OSR) with Laureate.
There are four terms in a school year at Laureate, and you can take up to two courses a term and eight courses a school year. Each term is about 10 weeks in duration.
Term 1: September to mid-November
Term 2: Mid- November to late January
Term 3: Early February to late April
Term 4: late April to late June
You can refer to the current academic calendar HERE
Each credit course will be taught synchronously three times a week, one hour each time. Laureate teachers will answer your questions after class through phone calls, e-mail, or online threads. Our teaching assistants will help you during your independent learning period. You will receive your individualized timetable after your orientation meeting with your guidance counsellor.
You can change your mind and request to withdraw from the online credit course within the First Five Days after receiving a mid-term mark so your mark will not appear on your transcript. To do so, you need to submit the Withdrawal Form and send it to your course teacher at the required time.
Our online learning platform is Moodle. We will set up your Microsoft school email and Moodle classroom accounts and provide you with the login information during the orientation meeting. The online learning portal is: Moodle Login
Using the Google browser, UC, or Firefox is recommended to open the platform.
For our online program, please find detailed information in Online Fee Schedule
Laureate College is a regular school registered by the Ontario Ministry of Education with a Board School Identification Number (BSID) of 885783. The credits awarded by Laureate are recognized and accepted by both private and public schools in Ontario.
The credit you achieved at the end of the term will be transferred from Laureate College to your homeschool.
There are specially set up after-class Q&A and tutoring time. Laureate’s instructors, guidance counsellors and teacher assistants are always there to provide further support. Please do ask for help.
Yes, it is possible. We’ll set up the timetable for you to meet your requirements.
Students without Canadian credentials need to take an English Proficiency Assessment to determine their eligibility to take academic English courses, such as G11 English, directly or if they need to complete the ESL prerequisites beforehand.
Yes, the specific final exam format will be arranged by the teacher and school (online or offline). The assessment and grading system for online OSSD programs follows the Ontario Secondary School Curriculum guidelines.
There is no distinction between credit earned through attending online or in-person school on the Ontario Student Transcript, although the courses are delivered differently.
Yes, the OSSD is the same for online or in-person day school students.
All the marks you receive are posted in PowerSchool, which keeps a record of your submissions as well as marks you receive for observations and conversations you have in virtual classes. You and your parent have access to these marks at any time. In addition, you will receive a mid-term report card (mid-term mark only for summer courses) and a final report card. However, always ask your teacher for feedback; if the outcome is not what you had hoped for, ask your teacher how to improve your learning.