To help high school students who have a passion and further study in the arts, four institutions including Laureate College, Silong International Education, Shanghai Lead College and St.Clair College jointly launched the Canadian Arts Pathway Program in 2021.

With the excellent academic resources and numerous outstanding art instructors from Shanghai Lead College, students will complete six months of study in China, and complete the preparation of their art portfolio, as well as improve their basic English language skills for studying abroad. Meanwhile, Silong Education will help those students applying for their student visa, school applications and other required applications. Once all the documents are completed, students will then attend Laureate College in Canada to complete the EAP program to fulfill St.Clair College’s English language requirements.

The Art Pathway Program is special because of its efficiency. Students will prepare their art portfolio with the help of many professional art instructors, and with the EAP program, the IELTS requirement will be eliminated. High school students in China are guaranteed to attend top boarding high schools in Canada at the beginning of September to better adjust to the Canadian education system.